Olympic Champion Cox - Men's 8

Olympic Champion Cox - Men's 8

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Russian Men's 8 DQ'd from Olympics!!!!

The Russian Men's Eight that finished 5th at the 2007 worlds has been disqualified. 3 Rowers from the eight were found to have utilized a method prohibited under the World Anti-Doping Code.
were found to have illegally used intravenous infusion equipment. They were putting various legal substances into their bodies using an illegal method.

These aren't the first Russians to be DQ'd in the past year. The 2006 gold medal Womens Quad got striped of their medals for the same thing and the lightweight men's double and members of the womens eight also got DQ'd this year.

Clearly there is a problem over there and although they aren't actually "doping" they are using a method that will enhance recovery and is illegal. I 100% support this ruling from our international federation as I want the playing field in 8 months to be fair and without drugs or any illegal methods or putting things into your body.

Due to this ruling, the Australian Men's Eight has now qualified for the 2008 Olympics! I'm sure they are enjoying a few pints down there at the moment. The Russians can still qualify as only 3 of the 8 men have been suspended for 2 years. The Russians will need to bring up 3 men and go to the qualifier in mid-June and win it. Only 1 qualifying spot is available in this event for a total of 8 Men's Eights at the start line in Beijing.

I have included a link to the actual news release for those interested.


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