Olympic Champion Cox - Men's 8

Olympic Champion Cox - Men's 8

Friday, April 18, 2008

Boycott Banter

Shunyi Olympic Rowing Venue
Talk of a boycott has been front and centre in recent weeks and I figured that my 2 cents was worth just as much as the next guy walking down the street....in fact, its worth more since it will influence my life directly!

Did we not learn anything from the boycotts of 1980 & 1984? Did the fighting in Afghanistan stop? Ya....9 years later, and it was most certainly not due to the 1980 Moscow boycott! Politicians and protesters have been trying to use the Olympics for years to further their own messages. What about the athletes like me who just want to compete? I'm not being paid by the government to be an activist, politician or protester, I'm an athlete on a rowing team. (and the pay isn't that good either!)
When people say they think all Canadian athletes should boycott and if we don't we are just being selfish, I say....ya....maybe I am.....but I've been working towards this for 10 years and I'm not about to give up on it and stop now. I challenge those pro-boycotters to let me come over to their house and search it up and down for goods Made in China. I know for a fact that I will find many, many things.....in fact the keyboard and mouse that I am using is made there. Turn yours over and check it out. It is a bit hypocritical of people to tell me to boycott the Olympics when they can't even boycott Chinese made goods. When your house is "china clean" come talk to me.
When I speak to children, I often talk about setting goals and reaching for you dreams. For some being a doctor or lawyer or teacher would be considered living their dream. Mine is winning an Olympic Gold Medal. The window of opportunity to achieve this is very small. How would you like it if I told you that you could no longer live that dream of being a teacher and you would have to do something else? No more teaching. It would be an appalling thing throughout this nation, yet some think telling me the same thing is acceptable.

At the end of the day I think what is going on in Tibet is terrible. I don't agree with the way the Chinese government handles its people politically or socially. I just don't see how me not competing at the Olympics will solve anything. I am an athlete caught up in the middle of a political agenda. I didn't choose which nation would host the games. It could be anywhere in the world for all I care, I just want the opportunity to race and compete for my country. More people in Canada will be proud of me if I come home with an Olympic Gold Medal than they will if I am forced to make a worthless political stand. I thought I lived in a nation of opportunity, freedom and democracy?

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