Olympic Champion Cox - Men's 8

Olympic Champion Cox - Men's 8

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Olympic Champions!!!

WOW!!! What a thrill.....what a race!!!

The days leading up to the race my nerves were taking a beating.....one minute butterflies, the next minute full of confidence and ready to go. I had to keep telling myself that I am here because I am the best and that I have a job to do with 8 guys depending on me. I definately felt reassured when Jake Wetzel, (silver medalist from Athens) told me that he was really pleased with how I had taken control of the boat since we arrived in China and that he was really pumped for the upcoming final. Sometimes a little vote of confidence in your corner can go a long way. :)

The night before the final I realized just how well prepared we were for this final in comparison to 4 years ago. I don't feel we were underprepared 4 years ago rather we now had the experience to know what exactly is expected and what was forthcoming. We had been training extremely well all week generally running sub-world record times for whatever stretch of work we did, so we were keeping things on a boil for sure.

I have to stop writing this now as I have tickets to go and see Adam vanKoeverdon race his first final today. Check back as I will finish this later......sorry.....

By the way....I have taken so long updating as my hotel internet connection was not allowing me to get onto the blog site....

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