Olympic Champion Cox - Men's 8

Olympic Champion Cox - Men's 8

Thursday, May 1, 2008

CBC Sports

CBC Sports has come and gone and completed the footage that they will be using for the Olympic broadcast. It was quite nice of them to take us out to dinner as a chance for them to get to know us a little bit. We met the most of the CBC Olympic anchor hosts including Scott Russell, Diana Swain and Ian Hanomansing. Ron Maclean was on duty with Hockey Night in Canada and couldn't make it.

They really did great some great shots of us training in the eight, fours, pairs, weight lifting and also erging. I was able to hook them up with our catamaran coach boat which made for some really stable shots. You will all be pleased to hear that the TROW logo was proudly and distinctively displayed the back of my jacket for all the rows in the Eight. It is really obvious whenever they were shooting the Eight from behind. I also had on a Trow vest on for my interview.
I'm not too sure exactly what features they will be doing as the producer kept getting ideas the more he saw of us and got to know us. The reaction we got from the cameraman while shooting the erging footage was great. The guys had finished their 1 hour weights session and he had now been filming them on the erg for about 20 minutes. The guys stopped to grab a drink and he thought that was it. I said "no, that was the warmup, they still have 40 minutes of actual hard work to do!" He looked at me dumbfounded and said "how do these guys do it?" To which Adam responded "hop on and I'll give you a lesson!"
They also shot a "promo" of the Eight in front of a green screen and are hoping to be able to use it in pre-Olympic stuff I guess. A couple guys also had short answer "promo" stuff done with the green screen. I imagine it will be kinda like NHL playoff promo stuff on TSN or CBC.
Anyway....just wanted to let you all know that things are still moving along well here. We have the Olympic Eight (physical boat) pretty much tuned up as we want it. It will be going into the container bound for China in 2 weeks. We leave for pre-World Cup training camp in 2.5 weeks in Italy.....time is flying by. In less than a month we will have raced the World Cup in Lucerne, our only rac
e of the season prior to the Olympics!

Below is a shot of Adam Kreek and I in front of the green screen.....Adam is 6'5" 210 and I am 5'4" 124!!

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