Olympic Champion Cox - Men's 8

Olympic Champion Cox - Men's 8

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Macleans Article

Macleans magazine just posted a pretty good article about us on the website. Not sure if it is also in the actual print magazine or not.
Here is the link. Worth a read on your lunch break :)


Monday, June 16, 2008

CBC Newsworld Interview

This past Friday morning I was interviewed "live" on CBC Newsworld with Heather Hiscock. This was the hardest type of interview as I was at the Legislature building here in downtown Victoria while Heather was in the Toronto studio. I was getting all of her questions through an ear piece and I just had to keep looking into the camera. I couldn't see her at all. It was kinda funny watching the footage afterwards because I could see her expressions and it was different than what I expected.
Here is a link to the broadcast. Make sure that you scroll across on the video player to find the proper footage.


PS. Note the Trow gear!

Monday, June 2, 2008


Wow....what a race.
We went out to dominate just like I said we should and we did! China was the main contender as we expected but they were unable to hold us back. We got a seat in the first 10 strokes then China started to move back but we stopped them much better this time 30 seconds into the race and began to march ahead....slowly, but moving. By 500m into the 2000m race we had about 3.5 seats which is more than the 1 seat we had on them in the Heat. We were able to get into a very strong driving rhythm and just keep on dominating them every stroke.

As I looked across to the Aussie's and British I noticed that the Aussie's were not giving us a challenge but about 650m into the race the Brit's tried to out in a push which I know is uncommon for them at this stage of the race. Since I picked up on it quickly I was able to use their tactic against them and it motivated the guys to push them back and get nearly a length on them early in the race.
We kept our high pace going from 500m to 1500m and at that point we had open water to China and the rest of the field wasn't even close. We had to try and keep the open water advantage over China coming home in the final 500m. We lifted the rate (strokes/minute) and charged for the line. China did the same and began to make a step in our direction. 250m to go we stopped them for just enough time that we were able to preserve our open water lead and defeat them by 3.08 seconds.
All that being said, this was a larger margin than we won the World Championships last year so it indicates to us that we are in fact on the right track with our training.....but we still have a lot of work to do as China has made up a lot of ground in the past year. They placed 6th last year and are now the second fastest boat in the world! We will need to keep on top of our training in order to keep them behind us in Beijing.
The only Eight that was not in Lucerne was the USA. They don't usually attend World Cup Regatta's as they like to play their cards close to the vest and us the element of surprise to their favour. That's ok, we've been down this road with them before and know all of their tricks....they beat us in 2004 pulling the same tactic and we won't be letting that happen again!

We are back in Victoria now till July 20 when we leave for Pre-Olympic camp in Gifu, Japan. It is amazing to think that the Olympics are so close now. We aren't quite prepared yet and we plan on putting the next 2 months to good use.

Please take a look at the photos I put on flickr yesterday. Just scroll down this page along the right hand side and click on the flickr link. I have also been keeping the newspaper/online articles up to date so check them out too. I always welcome any comments or questions. If any of your kids are looking for a signed 8x10 of me and the crew, send me you address and I will put it in the mail for you.


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Finals Stage is Set

As I write this I am sitting in my hotel room taking a look over the results from the finals run during this mornings session and the first race that I looked at was our Men's Pair of Scott Frandsen and Dave Calder and they won!!! Now I'm wishing that I hadn't been taking a nap while their race was on, but I needed to focus on my own race later today.
That is amazing news and a great confidence builder for our entire heavy men's squad telling us that we are on the right track going forward to the Olympics. If you remember my blogs from April/May you will remember that Scott narrowly missed making the Men's Eight, but he has certainly made the most of his opportunity in the pair. I'm really proud of those guys!

The finals for the Eight are below. As was the case for the Heat, we expect China & Aus to go hard out of the blocks but it is important for us to stay on task and race our race. Should be fun :)
Here is the lineup from lane 1 to lane 6

Poland, Great Britain, Australia, Canada, China, Germany

Here is a picture of us from the Heat at about 1100m into the race. You can see China's bow to my right. We have nearly a full boat length at this point. The white buoys line up across the course, that is how i can tell