Olympic Champion Cox - Men's 8

Olympic Champion Cox - Men's 8

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Beijing, China trip CANCELLED!!

Wow....didn't see this one coming, especially at such short notice. We found out from our team manager on Saturday that we were not able to secure access to the train on the Olympic Rowing course. Apparently the approvals can take up to 3 months and since we were originally supposed to have this trip in September and then changed it till now, there just wasn't enough time to git 'er done!

As a crew, we had previously decided that it would not be worth it if we couldn't train on the course. Sure, it would have been nice to see our hotel, try the food, get a feel for the venue but without the experience on the course, we declined.

On another note....the my official invitation to the Olympic Rowing Camp came via email today....not that I was at all worried about not being invited, but now it is official.

The coaching staff has decided to carry 22 rowers and 2 coxswains for the Heavyweight Mens Olympic Camp.

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