Olympic Champion Cox - Men's 8

Olympic Champion Cox - Men's 8

Monday, November 26, 2007

Husdon Ad Campaign

The company who makes our boats always puts together a little ad campaign after the Worlds and it always includes the crews who won medals in their boats. I thought you might like to see the ad as it appears in "The Rowing News" magazine. It is actually a publication that I believe you can buy at Chapters.

The picture was taken right after we de-rigged our boat, 25 mins after the big win. I had to take my shirt off to match the look of the guys....as you know....I am not muscular....but I do what I can. :) We were told to look serious for the photo.
It was kinda funny. At this point all we wanted to do was get a beer and socialize about the big win. We just wanted to do the pose and start partying!
The boat that we use is Canadian made in London, Ontario by Hudson Boatworks. We have been using a Hudson since 2002, and we were the first crew to ever win the World Championships in one of their boats. From 2002-2007, a Hudson has won the Worlds or Olympics every year expect 2006. Traditionally, most people in the world always used a German crafted shell called Empacher. We definately helped "blaze" a trail for Hudson and this well made canadian boat.

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