Olympic Champion Cox - Men's 8

Olympic Champion Cox - Men's 8

Friday, November 30, 2007

November Testing Period Complete

The November testing period has ended and as most tests in life go....so had good ones, and some had bad ones.
They guys did a 6km erg test, two 2km races in the pair and two 2km races in their singles...we add up all the times and presto....we have an overall winner.

The result breakdown approx as follows.

6km Ergo test = approx 19mins
2x2km Pair = approx 14mins
2x2km Single = approx 15mins

We definitely had some very good performances with 5 of the top 6 finishers being from the 2007 Eight. Of the other three, two were injured and were exempt from testing and the last guy was just getting back after having flu-ish symptoms and didn't perform to his best.
That being said...we had one guy finish 3rd overall and he appears to be gunning for a position in the Eight. He was in the Eight from the Athens Olympics and has been in smaller boats since then, by his choice. He now wants back into the big boat again and is putting some serious pressure on a few guys to improve.
This is a good thing as it doesn't let people rest on their laurels, they must improve or risk being bumped out. Competition is what has driven our program to success for the past 7 years and it isn't about to change now....I'm looking forward to seeing 8 World Champions get pushed for the remainder of the winter.

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