Olympic Champion Cox - Men's 8

Olympic Champion Cox - Men's 8

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

What Olympians Do?

I'm sure that some of you are wondering what the heck we do with our time on an Olympic Preparation camp?
It's pretty similar to what we do at home, at least schedule wise. We row in the morning around 8:30am, get back to the hotel around 12:30 then head off again at 3:30pm for our second session and arrive back for dinner at 7:00pm. It takes about 30mins to bus there from the hotel and some messing around once we get there, hence the time away.
In our off time back at the hotel most guys spend it privately in their rooms. There have been quite a few enjoying some online poker, movies, TV shows card games etc.

Dinners here have been fantastic! Last night we had a guy making fresh sushi for us! I had a couple tuna nigiri on my plate.

From our perspective it's also interesting reading about all the Olympic stuff going on. Reading about other athletes, hearing about potential problems such as the haze over the city....stuff like that. At the end of the day the whole haze/smog thing doesn't really bother me as we have all be tested for complications from it and we are fine. Everyone has to breath the same air so we are no more disadvantaged than anyone else.

The days are ticking down and preparations are continuing to become more and more meticulous. Focus is drawing in tighter and tighter.

Above is a picture of us training today on the Nagaragawa River in Gifu, Japan

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